Celebrating the life of Steve Jobs

Hours ago, we were all informed that Steve Jobs is no longer with us. A wave of sadness followed. It hasn't gone away. It feels like a friend, a relative, someone I have known all my life just departed. I have never seen Steve in person. But it feels like he was around, all this time. Such is his impact. I had written about Steve when he resigned from his post as CEO of Apple, but this called for something special. Instead of wallowing in the sadness, I took it upon myself to celebrate the life of Steve. Here it goes.SteveYou were really the first to put personal in personal computer. You made it appealing to the billions of us who can't live without it anymore.You reinvented the way we obtain, listen, share and really consume music. Along the way, you gave a jolt to the music and the entertainment industry as a whole.You then went on to change the mobile phone industry. Your impact to the mobile business cannot be understated. From the touch interface to the simplicity of it all, you just changed the perception of a phone. The rest of the industry is still trying to catch up.And then there is the iPad. The same PC era you brought in, you decided to usher out. In your inimitable style. The rest of the industry is still scrambling to build a real challenger.Beyond everything, you made the world love well engineered products in a way no one ever has or ever will be able to. You are the Edison of my generation. You inspired countless engineers in such a profound way that your impact will last for generations to come.Have a great second innings up there, Steve. We will continue to look up to you.


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