A note on Steve Jobs

If you havent caught up with the news already, Steve Jobs just resigned as the CEO of Apple. He has recommended Tim Cook as his successor and Apple has a good cadre of upper managers who can step up in the absence of Steve. Here is Steve's resignation letter. Short and to the point. Something he has excelled at, all his career.If you work in the mobile business but dont work for Apple or on the iOS, chances are that you are looking for loopholes in the Apple armor. The company has grown from strength to strength in the last few years and is poised to grow even bigger with the impending launch of iPhone 5 and iPad 3. But beyond that envy of Apple and dislike for Apple's draconian policies on iOS, one has sheer respect for the man on the top, Steve Jobs.I consider Jobs as one of the greatest visionaries that the technology industry has ever seen. He is one of an extremely select few people, Gates and Bezos being two others, who have had the ability to make such a big difference in our lives. The way we use technology owes so much to Jobs that it is impossible to even fathom how it would without his vision and single minded determination to make things his way. He has married design, usability and technology in a way that no one has ever done before and arguably never so in the future.Rumors have circulated about the health of Jobs and such. I hope Steve lives to a ripe old age of 100 and gets to participate in the creation ofApple's next generation of products. The industry needs him to be around even in the less influential role of a Chairman than his previous one as CEO.WSJ has a nice collection of quotes from Jobs. Worth reading them and putting them in perspective. And if you are interested in much more about Jobs, his authorized biography is coming out this November and is available for preorder[regular book][ebook].I had written a post on Jobs a while back. I think its appropriate to reshare it with the group at this time.Steve Jobs, Salesman Extraordinaire and the Ipad 2.Good luck Steve. Hope your third innings is just as good as your first and second. We would like to see you stick around for a long long time to come.


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